Heartcry - Niet arminiaans?

Bert Mulder
Berichten: 9087
Lid geworden op: 28 aug 2006, 22:07
Locatie: Grace URC Leduc Alberta Canada

Heartcry - Niet arminiaans?

Bericht door Bert Mulder »

Mijn enige troost is, dat ik niet mijn, maar Jezus Christus eigen ben, Die voor mijn zonden betaald heeft, en zo bewaart, dat alles tot mijn zaligheid dienen moet; waarom Hij mij ook door Zijn Heilige Geest van eeuwig leven verzekert, en Hem voortaan te leven van harte willig en bereid maakt.
Bert Mulder
Berichten: 9087
Lid geworden op: 28 aug 2006, 22:07
Locatie: Grace URC Leduc Alberta Canada

Bericht door Bert Mulder »

Revival fellowship heralds new leader

Doug Koop

REGINA, SK -- A former terrorist is at the head of the Canadian Revival Fellowship (CRF). Veteran crusade organizer and pastor John McGregor succeeded Harold Lutzer as executive director of the 31-year-old organization at the beginning of the year.

"The heart of our work is to nurture a church that's alive and well, where people are right with God and right with one another, and reaching out to a world that is fragmented and hurting in the love of Christ," says McGregor.

"We're not here to build a big organization, but to assist those that have a passion and vision for particular types of ministry," adds Lutzer.

McGregor, who in his youth was an active member of a Protestant paramilitary group in Belfast, Northern Ireland, put his guns away after his Christian conversion. Six years later, in 1976, he and his wife, Roberta, immigrated to Canada and were involved in church-planting ministries in rural B.C.

In the mid-1980s he joined the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association as a crusade organizer, and was involved in preparations for more than 40 crusades conducted by John Wesley White, Ralph Bell and Franklin Graham. In 1997 he accepted a call to serve as senior pastor at Erindale Alliance Church in Saskatoon, and led the congregation through a building program.

"Toward the end of that endeavour we knew the Lord was pressing us along," says McGregor, who a year earlier had joined CRF as an associate team member and was already conducting meetings under their auspices.

Lutzer, who founded the organization in 1972 in the wake of the well-documented Saskatoon revival, explains that for the past five years he's been wondering and praying about who might have a passion for continuing the work. "God led us to John," he says.

On his 65th birthday Lutzer took McGregor to lunch and floated the idea of handing off leadership in CRF. "Out of that grew a year long transition," says McGregor. "God was very evidently leading." In January he moved to Regina as executive director. Lutzer works alongside him as director of development, helping with fundraising and public relations.

Lutzer got his start coordinating ministry teams in Regina, just seven weeks after the revival kicked off in Saskatoon. "There was tremendous interest in what God was doing," he recalls. "We organized lay witness teams that moved further and further afield. A year later that work led to the position of executive director which I held for 30 years."

And the work goes on. CRF teams continue to hold meetings in churches throughout North America, "clearly calling them to repentance, forgiveness and the victorious Christian life." Other initiatives include family ministries, evangelistic efforts, a school of revival and a revival call to youth, "seeking to involve them in prayer and service."
Mijn enige troost is, dat ik niet mijn, maar Jezus Christus eigen ben, Die voor mijn zonden betaald heeft, en zo bewaart, dat alles tot mijn zaligheid dienen moet; waarom Hij mij ook door Zijn Heilige Geest van eeuwig leven verzekert, en Hem voortaan te leven van harte willig en bereid maakt.
Berichten: 16782
Lid geworden op: 10 apr 2004, 09:37

Bericht door Hendrikus »

Bert Mulder schreef:And the work goes on.
De kruistochten gaan ook door, blijkbaar.
Berichten: 9335
Lid geworden op: 09 jan 2002, 10:15
Locatie: Zuidhorn

Re: Heartcry - Niet arminiaans?

Bericht door parsifal »

Bert Mulder schreef:Moet je hier eens kijken!

http://www.revivalfellowship.com/news/f ... ll2006.pdf
Even voor de duidelijkheid Arminiaans is in mijn ogen:
* De mens kan zelf tot de Heere komen zonder dat God eerst voor deze mens gekozen heeft.
* God's trekkende genade is voorgoed te weerstaan
* God heeft een ieder gered
* De mens kan afvallen van de genade.

Kun je iets concreter zijn waar deze punten naar voren komen in de pdf?
Bert Mulder
Berichten: 9087
Lid geworden op: 28 aug 2006, 22:07
Locatie: Grace URC Leduc Alberta Canada

Bericht door Bert Mulder »

T oday's churches are praying for revival in unprecedented numbers. They are holding "revival meetings" and "renewal conferences" in the hope that these will hasten the coming of God's Spirit in power. Yet, despite these sincere efforts, many churches have allowed unbiblical theology, as well as secular practices, to become entrenched into their corporate lives.
Thus, they impede the very work of God for which they are praying. Many practices have been accepted uncritically into the churches and are dulling members, rather than sensitizing them, to God's voice. The following are some corporate hindrances to revival.

M isleading Terminology.
A movement of God among His people is characterized by a profound awareness of sin. Repentance of sin and revival are inseparable. In many churches, however, sinful practices are being renamed and reclassified. Adultery is a sin that is clearly identified and condemned in Scripture. Yet when a church member commits adultery, it is often said euphemistically that he or she "fell into an affair." The sinner may be portrayed as the victim of an overwhelming schedule, or an unsympathetic spouse. Terminology, such as "falling into" and "affair" subtly shifts the blame away from the sinner. Rather than hiding behind less offensive terms, Christians must be encouraged to confess their sins and accept responsibility for them. Another adjustment in terminology is to reclassify sin as a "weakness," "bad habit," or an "addiction." Rather than committing the sin of lust, the sinner is said to have an "addiction" to pornography. However addictive and enslaving habitual sin can become, its roots still lie in sin. Society commiserates with an addict; God judges sin. An addict engenders sympathy for his or her condition, whereas the Christian community knows that sin is not to be tolerated. Society encourages addicts to seek therapy, but not necessarily to repent of sin. By allowing worldly definitions for sin to creep into the church's vocabulary, churches inadvertently desensitize their people to the heinous reality of sin in their midst and the crucial need for repentance. If churches do not clearly identify sin for what it is, their people cannot properly respond to their condition.

M isdirected Appeals.
Churches can also unwittingly challenge people in an unbiblical manner. Churches often extend altar calls wherein people who have not been walking in obedient fellowship with God are invited to "rededicate" their lives to God and to His will. In this process, people may come before the church and acknowledge that they have disobeyed God's will. They will affirm their desire to dedicate themselves afresh to obey God. Often, members of the congregation will be invited to come and encourage the one who has expressed his intent to try harder to obey God.
The problem with this is that it is not biblical. The crux of the gospel message is not a call to rededication, but a call to repentance. John the Baptist preached repentance (Matt. 3:2). Jesus preached repentance, both in His earthly ministry and as the resurrected Lord (Matt. 4:17; Rev. 3:19). If one's previous commitment did not keep him walking in obedience, a re?commitment is no more likely to make him faithful. The proper response to disobedience is not a commitment to try harder, but brokenness and repentance for rejecting the will of Almighty God. God looks for surrender to His will, not commitment to carry it out. Rather than asking church members to repeatedly promise to try harder, churches must call their people to repent before Holy God.

M istaken Compassion.
Many church members are uncomfortable with spiritual brokenness and repentance. When the Holy Spirit works in peoples' lives, convicting them of their sin, churches often do not know how to respond. We are uncomfortable with the tears and anguish of a sinner under conviction by the Spirit. Rather than allowing people to respond to what God is telling them, we often seek to immediately intervene. We try to comfort one whom God is making uncomfortable!

M isplaced Priorities.
The structure of a worship service can mitigate against the Spirit's working. Pressure to end the service "on time" can leave little opportunity for people to respond to what God has said to them. Bringing the service abruptly to a close in order to announce the upcoming potluck dinner or church council meeting, can utterly quench the work that God began in the service. If worshippers are quickly ushered out of the auditorium to make room for another service, they are left with little time to process the awesome Word they just received from their Lord. The reality of many larger churches with multiple services is that they must follow a demanding schedule. Live telecasts of services on radio or television can allow media concerns rather than spiritual concerns to be the driving force of the worship service. The danger is that a mighty moving of God in the church may not "fit in" to the printed order of service!

M isunderstood Terms.
Many churches fail to properly understand revival terminology. The term "revival" is the returning of God's people to Him. This means their hearts are cleansed and sensitized to God. Revival does not refer to bringing unregenerate people to salvation. Contemporary "revival" services most often embrace an evangelistic theme. If several people respond to God for salvation, the church concludes that it had a successful "revival." Of course, any time a person experiences salvation a church should rejoice. Revival, however, is for God's people. Preaching evangelistic messages will not necessarily revive Christians who have become spiritually lethargic. Rather, spiritually deadened Christians will conclude that, since they are already converted, the revival meetings have no relevance for them.
The term "repentance" is also greatly misunderstood. It is often seen as a negative term in an age where everything is expected to appear positive. Yet repentance is one of the most positive words in the Christian vocabulary! It refers to turning from a destructive path and moving instead into God's abundant life. Too often, churches spurn the terminology of repentance, preferring instead to speak of God's love and forgiveness. God's love and forgiveness, however, can only be fully experienced on the basis of the sinner's repentance. Churches that misuse these terms may hinder their people from experiencing true forgiveness and true revival.

M isdiagnosis.
The temptation for churches is to deal with symptoms rather than causes. Instead of addressing the condition of people's hearts, churches attempt to change their behavior. If members are not attending particular programs or services, churches try to make these programs and services more appealing. If members are not sharing their faith with unbelievers, classes in evangelism are offered. If needs are going unmet in the church, ministerial staff is hired to meet these needs. Yes, it is important that services and programs be carefully designed, but we must look past people's behavior to the heart condition behind it. Rather than focusing on symptoms, God's people must be challenged to examine their love for God. People who truly love God will willingly serve Him, excitedly tell others about Him, and long to worship Him (John 14:15).

M isguided Relationships.
Matthew 5:23?24 indicates that Christians are obligated to be reconciled to anyone with whom they have a conflict. Yet in many churches this is not practiced. Church leaders are allowed to feud with one another and yet continue in ecclesiastical leadership. Entire churches refuse to forgive splinter groups, mission churches, or former pastors and yet they presume God will bless them. Churches have a corporate responsibility to seek reconciliation, just as individuals have been commanded to do so. If the church as a whole refuses to forgive, its members will also find it excusable to harbor bitterness toward others. If a church will corporately repent of unforgiveness toward another church or toward another person, it's members will be freed to be wholly reconciled with God in revival. There are many subtle attitudes, practices, and theological presuppositions which can hinder a church from experiencing revival. If these are properly dealt with, a church will be in a position to experience the mighty moving of God.
Article 2 : Corporate hindrances to Revival : by G. Richard Blackaby van de website:

Mijn enige troost is, dat ik niet mijn, maar Jezus Christus eigen ben, Die voor mijn zonden betaald heeft, en zo bewaart, dat alles tot mijn zaligheid dienen moet; waarom Hij mij ook door Zijn Heilige Geest van eeuwig leven verzekert, en Hem voortaan te leven van harte willig en bereid maakt.
Berichten: 16782
Lid geworden op: 10 apr 2004, 09:37

Bericht door Hendrikus »

Bert Mulder schreef:M isleading Terminology.
M isdirected Appeals.
M istaken Compassion.
M isplaced Priorities.
M isunderstood Terms.
M isdiagnosis.
M isguided Relationships.
Weer iemand die denkt te weten wat er allemaal M is is...
Berichten: 9335
Lid geworden op: 09 jan 2002, 10:15
Locatie: Zuidhorn

Bericht door parsifal »

Oke ik zie bezwaren, en soms zelf terecht. Maar om er nu het label Arminiaans op te plakken.
Bert Mulder
Berichten: 9087
Lid geworden op: 28 aug 2006, 22:07
Locatie: Grace URC Leduc Alberta Canada

Bericht door Bert Mulder »

Lord, I Agree With You Concerning Your View Of My Life.

Lord I agree that You love me and that I am the very person for whom Christ died, being the "whosoever" of John 3:16, and that this means I am of tremendous importance to You. I acknowledge that You have loved me with an everlasting love and that with loving kindness You are continually drawing me [Jeremiah 31:3; Romans 8:35; I John 3:1; 4:10].
Lord I agree that You have a plan for my life and that in living according to that plan I will attain the greatest degree of happiness and usefulness possible [Proverbs 3:5-6; Matthew 5:3-12; Philippians 2:12-13; II Timothy 1:9; Hebrews 13:20-21].

Lord I agree that to much of my life has already past without sufficient spiritual growth that I must not waste any more time or opportunity [Ephesians 5:14-17].

Lord I agree that I may be living my very last day today and that I must wisely regard each day as if it were my last and live it solely to the praise of Your glory [Psalm 39:5; 90:10; 99:47; I Corinthians 7:29; James 4:14-17].

Lord I agree that You have the right of Lordship over my life by virtue of the fact that in the sacrificial death of Christ You purchased me and therefore all my time, my money, my property, my business, my family, my goals, my desires, my conduct, my words and my thoughts must be under Your control [Romans 14:8; First Corinthians 6:19-20].

Lord, I Agee With You Concerning All My Sin.

Lord, I agree that sin in my life has always been and is now a very real problem and that I deserve to go to hell for it [Romans 3:9-23; 7:24; Ephesians 2:1-2; Hebrews 12:1].

Lord, I agree with You that the great wickedness of all my sin has been and is that it is against You. "Against Thee, Thee only have I sinned and done this great evil in Thy sight" [Psalms 51:4]. "How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" [Genesis 39:9].

Lord, I agree with You that repentance from all my sin is demanded, that I must cease taking advantage of Your goodness by failing to repent [Romans 2:4] and that I cannot know the refreshing that revival brings until this accomplished [Acts 3:19].

I acknowledge that repentance is as much an attitude as it is an act.

I realize all known sins must be turned from in repentance.

I confess there are no little sins in my life that do not matter.

I know I must repent of even secret sins.

I am convinced all roots of sin in my life must be kept grubbed out daily so that they cannot grow and produce fruits.

Lord, I agree that public confession of public sin is mandatory [James 5:16] and that private confession of private sin must be regularly practiced. "Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the alter, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee, leave there thy gift before the alter, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift" [Matthew 5:23-24].

Lord, I agree that restitution to any I have wronged is a necessary qualification for personal revival [2 Samuel 12:6; Jeremiah 35:15; Ezekiel 33:15; Luke 19:8], for knowing that I have defrauded another and not to make it right will prevent me from having a conscience void of offense toward all men [Acts24:16] and will leave me with a heart that condemns me and hinders my prayers [I John 3:20].

Lord, I Agree With You Concerning Holiness Of Life.

Lord, I agree with You that without holiness no man shall see the Lord [Hebrews 12:14].

Lord, I agree that holiness is Your will for my life, "For this is the will of God, even your sanctification" [I Thessalonians 4:3].

Lord, I agree that You do not require anything of me which is impossible and that I must cease to excuse my lack of holiness by saying "God understands, I just human," and presuming on Your goodness by taking advantage of the fact that where sin abounds, grace much more abounds [Romans 6:1-2].

Lord, I agree that holiness was purchased by Christ on His cross [I Corinthians 1:30] and is received by faith just as is justification [ II Thessalonians 2:13].

Lord, I agree that You elected me to holiness [Ephesians 1:4] and this election has removed forever my right to choose to be sinful. I accept as my duty the daily reckoning of myself to be dead indeed unto sin and alive unto God [Romans 6:11].

Lord, I Agree With You Concerning The Absolute Necessity of Scrupulously Guarding My Intake.

Lord, I agree to guard what I read and what I see: books, magazines, television, movies, women on the street, ["I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then sould I think upon a maid?" Job 31:1], advertisements, etc., and that I would be better off with out eyes rather than to have eyes that bring me down to hell [Matthew 18:9-10].

Lord, I agree to guard what I listen to: jokes, gossip, criticism of others, flattery, religious views, suggestive stories, etc., and will regularly heed the words of Jesus, "Take heed how your hear" [Luke 8:18]. "Take heed what your hear" [Mark 4:24].

Lord, I agree to guard what I touch and how I touch it -- money, goods, sex, etc., knowing the grievous error of sins of greed and lust [Exodus 20:17; Proverbs 15:27; Matthew 6:27-30].

Lord, I agree to guard what I taste and smell and the reason related thereto for I acknowledge that gluttony and drunkenness are evil in Your sight [Psalms 34:8; 119:103; Proverbs 23:2-3; 20-221; Luke 21:34; Romans 16:18; I Corinthians 10:31; Galatians 5:19-21; Philippians 3:19; James 1:13-15; I Peter 2:2-3; 4:3].

Lord, I agree to place my a guard over my entire body, knowing that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit [Matthew 10:28; Romans 6:12; 8:13; I Corinthians 6:19; 9:27].

Lord, I Agree With You Concerning The Mandatory Nature Of A Daily Walk

Lord, I agree with You that the pure in heart are blessed and I will follow Your self-emptying process [Matthew 5:3-5] so that I may be and remain full of righteousness [Matthew 5:6] and thus pure in heart [Matthew 5:8].

Lord, I agree that it is impossible to love both God and mammon and I will therefore put to death my fleshly desires, refusing to lay up for myself treasures upon earth, but shall focus on treasures in heaven so that where my treasures is, my heart may be also [Matthew 6:19-24].

Lord, I agree that the double minded man is unstable in all his ways and must not think he will receive anything from You for he is an offense to You, for being like the waves of the sea, he is driven of the wind and tossed [James 1:5-12].

Lord, I agree that if I love the world, Your love as the Father is not in me for all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life, are not of You but of the world which is passing away. I agree that only those that do your will abide forever [I John 2:15-17].

Lord, I agree to regularly join the Psalmist in earnestly praying, "Unite my heart to fear Thy name" [Psalm 86:11].

"Oh, to be saved from myself, dear Lord,
Oh, to be lost in Thee.
Oh, that it may be no more I,
But Christ who lives in me."

Lord I Agree With You Concerning The Mandatory Nature Of A Daily Walk

Lord, I agree that the real reason for my failure here in the past has been a lack of love toward You, and when I claim the lack of time, I am actually lying for I have the same exact amount of time each day as every other human now alive, and there is an appointment time for everything [Ecclesiastes 3:1-9].

Lord, I agree with the necessity of daily praise and adoration of You for in You I live and move and have being [Psalm 5:3; 92:1-2; 145:2; Daniel 6:10; Acts 17:28; Hebrews 13:15].

Lord, I agree to protracted seasons of private prayers as well as to discovering how to pray without ceasing [I Chronicles 16:11; Luke 6:12; 18:1; Acts 6:4; Romans 12:12; Colossians 4:2].

Lord, I agree to regular Bible study and devotional reading of Your Word in order that I may be pleasing in Your sight and equipped for godly living in this godless world [Psalm 119; Jeremiah 15:16; John 5:39; 20:31; Acts 17:11; Romans 15:4; II Timothy 2:15; 3:16].

Lord, I agree that good habits are hard to develop and easily broken and thus require Your constant help in establishing and maintaining this daily walk with You [Romans 6:4; 8:1,4; Galatians 5:25; Ephesians 2:10; 5:8,15].

Lord, I Agree With You Concerning My Need To Be A Part Of A Praying, Caring Group

Lord, I agree that regular hearing Your Word preached and taught is essential, and I pledge myself to observe the Lord's day faithfully [Psalm 55:14; Isaiah 56:2; Luke 24:52-53; I Corinthians 1:18; Hebrews 10:25; Exodus 20:8-11].

Lord, I agree that I need the help of brethren in maintaining my own fires of devotion and purity and commit myself to be a vital part of a distinctly Christian fellowship [Acts 2:41,42; Galatians 6:2; II Corinthians 8:4; Ephesians 2:19; Hebrews 3:13-14].

Lord, I agree to join a prayer group that meets consistently to pray for one another and for revival throughout the Church and if I cannot find such a group now in existence I will do every thing in my power to get one started [II Chronicles 7:14; psalm 80; Matthew 18:20; I Thessalonians 5:17; I Timothy 2:8].

Lord, I agree to transparent honesty with my brothers and sisters in the Lord so they can best encourage, comfort, rebuke and assist me in the things pertaining to Your kingdom [Psalm 32:2; Romans 12:9; II Corinthians 4:2; Galatians 6:2; Ephesians 4:25; Hebrews 3:13; James 5:16].

Lord, I agree to make earnest prayer for personal and corporate revival a major theme of intercession in both my private and corporate prayer life [Psalm 51:10,12; 85:6; Habakkuk 3:2; Matthew 9:28].

Lord, I Agree With You Concerning Letting My Light Shine Before Men And Being the Salt Of The Earth

Lord, I agree that this means being totally open in my confession of You before others and in my Christian walk [Luke 12:8; Acts 4:20; 22:15; Romans 10:9; I John 4:15].

Lord, I agree that this requires moral earnestness in all I say and do and the total elimination of all hypocrisy in my life. I wish to be like Nathanael, who You said was an Israelite indeed, in whom there was no guile [John 1:47; Colossians 3:23].

Lord, I agree That this demands a courageous confrontation of those outside of Christ with His claims upon their lives and that I must be ready to reprove, rebuke, exhort, in season and out of season [Isaiah 41:10; Acts 4:31, Philippians 1:28; II Timothy 4:1-2].

Lord, I agree that this means consistency and that I must not back down when the going get rough or waver even when my job or security are threatened or my income or number of friends decreases [Acts 4:13-21; 20:23-24; Galatians 6:9; Philippians 1:27; I Thessalonians 5:21]

Lord, I agree this make me vulnerable and requires me, just as Christ did [John 10:14-18], to lay down my life for others [Luke 9:23; 14:26; John 3:30; 12:25; Romans 15:1; I John 3:16] but by Your grace I will retard corruption in this world by being salt and will spread the truth by being light [Matthew 5:13-16].

Lord, I Agree With You Concerning The Place Of Love In My Life.

Lord, I agree with Your first great commandment requiring me to love You with all my heart, soul, strength and mind [Matthew 22:37-38] and that my love for you is proven by my obedience to Your commandments [John 14:23; 15:9-14; I John 2:3-5].

Lord, I agree with Your second great commandment requiring me to love my neighbor as myself [Matthew 22:39] and that my love of others is a test of my love for You [I John 4:20-21].

Lord, I agree that there are commandments and that love is not merely an emotion beyond my control but something I can and must do .

Lord, I agree that You are the source of love [I john 4:7,19]; and that all manifestations of a lack of love on my part are manifestations of a break-down in my relationship with You [I John 2:9-11; 3:14; 4:7-12].

Lord, I agree that vital unity among all true brothers in Christ is both Your will and a mark of my love toward others [John 17]. I therefore commit myself to be an agent of peace and reconciliation and to refuse to be devise over issues of personality, methodology and non-essential doctrinal matters. So much as is possible, I promise to be at peace with all men [Acts 4:32; Romans 12:18; First Corinthians 1:13; 12:26; Ephesians 4:3].

Lord, I Agree With You Concerning Your Strength And Ability

Lord, I agree that I have lived too long in the realm of the weak, ordinary and mundane and that, even like unbelievers, I have known too much the form of godliness while denying the power thereof [II Timothy 3:5].

Lord, I agree that You are able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I have ever asked or thought [Ephesians 3:20].

Lord, I agree that You are able to use me mightily as an instrument of righteousness and as a vessel of mercy [Romans 6:13; II Corinthians 4:7].

Lord, I agree to make myself continuously available to You for Your use and by faith to live in regular expectation of bearing fruit in season [Psalm 1:1-3; John 15:1-8, 16].

Lord, I agree not to quench the Holy Spirit in and through me by negative thinking or self-depreciation knowing that You are able to make even such a person such as I a vessel of honor [Romans 9:21; II Timothy 2:21].

Lord, I Agree With You Concerning The Honor And The Glory

Lord, I agree that You along are God and that to exalt myself as if I were God or to exalt any other created being or thing is indeed a most serious violation of the commandments given to us by Moses [Exodus 20:2-5].

Lord, I agree that You alone are worthy of praise, honor and glory, and I refuse to glory in myself or to seek or accept that praise and honor which are Yours alone. Giving You the glory for all that transpires in an through my life from this time forward will be not only my duty but also my glorious privilege [Psalm 18:3; Revelation 4:11; 5:12].

Lord, I agree that I have never had any reason to take glory to myself or to receive praise and honor for anything whatsoever I have done, for in Christ I live and move and have my being [Acts 17:28] and without Him I can do nothing [John 15:5b].

Lord, I agree that pride is a root sin in my heart, that it is foolishness [Mark 7:21-22] for I have nothing in which to boast except Your gracious mercy. Therefore I will steadfastly resist all tendencies toward self-exaltation or vain glory. I acknowledge that You have ordered me to humble myself [James 4:10;I Peter 5:5-6] and I will no longer insult You by either asking You to do what You have already commanded of me or allowing pride to reign in my life [Proverbs 8:13; James 4:6-7; I Peter 5:5-6].

Lord, I agree that You despise corporate pride as much as individual pride and in consequence I commit myself to do everything in my power to eliminate the pride that exists in both the church and in society at large [ II Chronicles 7:14].

Lord, I Agree With You Concerning Who Is Going To Bear The Guilt Of All My Past, Present, And Future Sins And Failures.

Lord, I agree to stop engaging in destructive self-criticism. I accept the fact that I am a new creature in Christ Jesus [ II Corinthians 5:17] and that I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me [Philippians 4:13].

Lord, I agree that Christ paid the penalty if all my sins and that I have not right to punish myself for which Christ already paid. I acknowledge that I am weary of bearing about the weight of guilt of these sins and therefore here and now will depend on You to bear them away forever [Isaiah 53:5; I Peter 2:24; I John 1:7].

Lord, I agree to speedy confession of any sins that occur hereafter and I will immediately, upon confession, accept Your forgiveness and cleansing and will never again burden myself sown with the weight of what You have already forgiven [I John 1:9].

Lord, I agree that, in the light of all that You have done for me, I am to live in victory [Romans 8:35-39; I Corinthians 15:57; II Corinthians 2:14] and power [Acts 1:8; II Timothy 1:7] through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who loved me and bought me with His own blood [I Peter 1:18-19].

Lord, I even agree to let You bear the guilt of any and all my failures to live up to these articles of agreement and not to be discouraged by these failures or to abandon these agreements no matter how frequently or terribly I fail to keep them. By Thy grace, if I fall, I will immediately repent of the failure and arise and move onward again in explicit agreement with You in all these articles.
In Testimony of my heartfelt accord with these Articles of Agreement with the Lord God Almighty, I hereby inscribe my name:



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onderdeel van het internationale Heartcry netwerk
Mijn enige troost is, dat ik niet mijn, maar Jezus Christus eigen ben, Die voor mijn zonden betaald heeft, en zo bewaart, dat alles tot mijn zaligheid dienen moet; waarom Hij mij ook door Zijn Heilige Geest van eeuwig leven verzekert, en Hem voortaan te leven van harte willig en bereid maakt.
Berichten: 9335
Lid geworden op: 09 jan 2002, 10:15
Locatie: Zuidhorn

Bericht door parsifal »

en dit is dus overduidelijk Arminiaans? Zijn Calvinisten het niet eens met wat in het stukje gezegd wordt? Zoals als al eerder gezegd ligt de methode me niet echt en is deze zeker onder kritiek te stellen, maar ik zie er ook weer geen Arminianisme in.
Bert Mulder
Berichten: 9087
Lid geworden op: 28 aug 2006, 22:07
Locatie: Grace URC Leduc Alberta Canada

Bericht door Bert Mulder »

Mijn enige troost is, dat ik niet mijn, maar Jezus Christus eigen ben, Die voor mijn zonden betaald heeft, en zo bewaart, dat alles tot mijn zaligheid dienen moet; waarom Hij mij ook door Zijn Heilige Geest van eeuwig leven verzekert, en Hem voortaan te leven van harte willig en bereid maakt.
Bert Mulder
Berichten: 9087
Lid geworden op: 28 aug 2006, 22:07
Locatie: Grace URC Leduc Alberta Canada

Bericht door Bert Mulder »

Seeking God for Revival: South Africa and Beyond
By Francois Carr

Heart Cry 2005 was planned in several major churches and cities with keynote speakers from abroad. It consisted of several revival crusades, leadership training, church outreaches and two major conferences—one in the north and one in the south—in South Africa. More than one thousand leaders attended the southern conference. We praise God for the following:

Spiritual leaders who came from sixteen different countries including North America, UK and Africa

Spiritual leaders in South Africa who came from more than 120 churches and communities

Several thousands of people praying and joining together for the need of our nations

Hundreds of people responding to accept Christ during the stadium outreach in Middelburg

Leaders and Christians confessing and repenting from sin

Several local church crusades on revival scheduled for 2006 as preparation for Heart Cry South Africa 2007

School of Prayer and outreaches scheduled for September 2006 in Shannon, Ireland

First Heart Cry Conference on Revival in the Netherlands scheduled for 21-25 September 2006, as well as the opening of a website, office, staff and Dutch revival magazine

Several missionary outreaches and conferences on revival scheduled for 2007 in Uganda, Kenya, Zambia and Malawi

Several missionary organizations in North America and South Africa are partnering and joining hands for Heart Cry 2007. It will take place in August 2007 in South Africa and will consist of the following:

Mini conference about revival in Natal

Second mini conference

International Heart Cry Conference for Revival in Pretoria

Two leadership training conferences for six hundred pastors

Twenty missionary teams from the United States working in local churches and communities preaching revival crusades

If our nation and the world is going to turn from the rapid moral and spiritual decline we are in, people’s lives must change, families must change, churches must change, communities must change and nations must change. What would happen if believers were to get really honest about their sin and serious about pursuing holiness? Might we not once again experience the manifest presence of God in our churches? Revival starts with God’s people. Revival starts with you.
Ik meende dat het God's werk was.
Mijn enige troost is, dat ik niet mijn, maar Jezus Christus eigen ben, Die voor mijn zonden betaald heeft, en zo bewaart, dat alles tot mijn zaligheid dienen moet; waarom Hij mij ook door Zijn Heilige Geest van eeuwig leven verzekert, en Hem voortaan te leven van harte willig en bereid maakt.
Berichten: 16782
Lid geworden op: 10 apr 2004, 09:37

Bericht door Hendrikus »

Bert Mulder schreef:Ik meende dat het God's werk was.
Erg goedkoop, Bert, om iemands woorden uit hun verband te rukken en daar dan op te gaan schieten.

Intussen is ons wel duidelijk dat jij er erg veel moeite mee hebt dat deze mensen op deze manier bezig zijn om hun geloof uit te dragen en te proberen anderen voor Gods koninkrijk te winnen.

Maar hoeveel wervingskracht denk je dat er uitgaat van jouw kruistocht tegen Heartcry?
Berichten: 11339
Lid geworden op: 29 dec 2001, 11:42

Bericht door memento »

Grappig om te zien. De ene helft van het forum kan er niet tegen als je kritiek hebt op de GG, de andere helft kan geen kritiek tegen heartcry hebben...
Berichten: 18756
Lid geworden op: 11 sep 2006, 10:36
Locatie: Veenendaal

Re: Heartcry - Niet arminiaans?

Bericht door helma »

Bert Mulder schreef:Moet je hier eens kijken!
Ik denk dat je vergeten bent het andere artikel te lezen:
Uit het RD: reactie van Arjan Baan en Jacques Brunt

In reactie op de opmerkingen van ds. P. de Vries stellen Arjan Baan en Jacques Brunt dat de gereformeerde leer handen en voeten in de praktijk van onze postmoderne tijd moet krijgen. Daarom is het nodig dat er praktisch onderwijs en toerusting gegeven wordt over heiligmaking.

We stellen het als Stichting Heart Cry op prijs dat ds. P. de Vries met ons meedenkt om een antwoord te geven op de grote nood in kerkelijk Nederland. Onze reactie is daarom geen verdediging, maar een uitnodiging om tijdens een persoonlijk gesprek hierover verder na te denken.

De naam van Duncan Campbell (1898-1972) is tijdens onze samenkomsten niet prominent naar voren gekomen. Zijn naam is op de conferentie zelfs niet genoemd. Het is daarom onjuist om hem met onze stichting te identificeren. Wij noemden hem in de aankondiging in verband met een van onze sprekers, mevrouw Mary Peckham, die tijdens de opwekking op het eiland Lewis door zijn prediking werd aangeraakt. Ook citeerden wij in onze brochure een uitspraak van hem: „Opwekking is een gemeenschap doordrenkt van God.” We mogen best kanttekeningen plaatsen bij Campbells theologie, maar daarmee hoeven we niet te ontkennen dat hij „een man Gods” was, zoals dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones hem typeert.

Ds. De Vries noemt de kritiek van de bekende Free Churchpredikant van Stornoway, Kenneth MacRae, op Campbell en op de opwekking. We zeggen niet dat deze ongegrond is, maar wel vinden wij het oordeel van MacRae gekleurd en eenzijdig. Gedurende al de maanden dat Campbell op Lewis werkte, heeft MacRae nooit contact met hem gezocht en hem zelfs niet beluisterd! Hij heeft de grote zegen van de opwekking onderschat.

Het boek van Colin en Mary Peckham, ”Sounds from Heaven”, geeft een heel ander beeld van de opwekking. Ontroerend en bemoedigend is het om daarin te lezen hoe Gods Geest op krachtige wijze ingrijpt in mensenlevens! We mogen daarom met het badwater het kind niet wegwerpen. Ds. De Vries heeft achting voor de gebroeders Wesley en beveelt de liederen van Charles Wesley aan, maar dat betekent toch ook niet dat hij instemt met hun arminiaanse theologie?

Het is de intentie van de Stichting Heart Cry om door te geven wat voor grote dingen de Heere door middel van opwekkingen gedaan heeft en nog doet. Vandaar dat wij sprekers hebben uitgenodigd die bij dergelijke bewegingen betrokken zijn geweest. Dit betekent niet dat wij ons met alles wat zij zeggen willen identificeren. Ds. De Vries weet toch ook dat elke opwekking schaduwzijden heeft? Niemand minder dan de bekende puritein Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) heeft voor excessen gewaarschuwd, die ook bij de ”Great Awakening” voorkwamen. Toch evalueert Edwards de opwekking als een werk van God!

Ds. De Vries mist in wat hij vanuit onze stichting las de notie dat „de ware heiligmaking een vrucht is van het rechtvaardigend geloof.” Had hij de moeite genomen om een of meerdere samenkomsten te bezoeken, dan had hij deze notie wel kunnen horen. Het leven met Christus vanuit de vereniging met Hem was het centrale thema. Daarbij werd de noodzaak van heiliging in de zin van geestelijke verdieping benadrukt. We bemerken dat inzicht in de boodschap van Romeinen 6-8 veelal ontbreekt. Het gevolg is dat veel christenen voortdurend een leven leiden van vallen en opstaan. De Heere Jezus heeft echter een overvloedig leven beloofd (Joh. 7:37-38; 10:10).

Vaak beroepen we ons op het feit dat wij „arme zondaren zijn en blijven” om daarmee eigen leegte en onvruchtbaarheid te camoufleren. Zelfs verkeerde zondige gewoontes worden vergoelijkt met de verontschuldiging: „We blijven immers arme zondaren.”

Wat doen wij echter met de accenten die de Schrift legt? De apostel Paulus besteedt in zijn brieven veel aandacht aan de heiliging in de volle breedte en rijkdom. Legt hij geen andere accenten dan wij, wanneer hij de gelovigen voorhoudt: „Weest mede mijn navolgers” (Fil. 3:17) en „Opdat Hij uw harten versterke, om onberispelijk te zijn in heiligmaking, voor onze God en Vader, in de toekomst van onze Heere Jezus Christus met alle heiligen” (1 Thess. 3:13; 5:23)?

Van harte wijzen wij arminianisme en perfectionisme af. Van harte belijden wij de leer van de totale verdorvenheid van de mens en van de vrije, soevereine genade.
Maar hoe krijgt de gereformeerde leer handen en voeten in de praktijk van onze postmoderne tijd? Onze jongeren vervreemden van onze traditie, mede omdat deze niet concreet gemaakt wordt naar de praktijk van alledag. Ds. De Vries merkt terecht op: „Wat is er veel innerlijke leegte.” Maar is de oproep ”Terug naar de gereformeerde leer” daarop het antwoord? Of moeten we zeggen: ”Terug naar de levende Christus”, van Wie de gereformeerde leer getuigt? Maken wij de leer niet krachteloos door het diepere leven met Christus te verwaarlozen?

We merkten op de conferentie hoe groot de honger is naar de boodschap van een levende relatie met God in Christus. Gods Geest heeft harten aangeraakt! We mogen zien dat jongeren en ouderen daadwerkelijk een droefheid krijgen over hun (boezem)zonden en genade ontvangen om deze te belijden en ermee te breken aan de voet van het kruis van Golgotha.

Kerkelijk Nederland heeft een herleving nodig! Dat is de boodschap die wij willen doorgeven. De nood onder ons is groter dan we beseffen. De perversiteit in onze cultuur beïnvloedt onze gezinnen en gemeenten. Daarom hebben wij praktisch onderwijs en toerusting nodig over heiligmaking, om in deze wereld staande te blijven, alleen op basis van het verlossende én vernieuwende werk van Jezus Christus door de kracht van de Heilige Geest.

De auteurs zijn respectievelijk voorzitter en secretaris van de Stichting Heart Cry.

Met alle respect voor Ds P de Vries; hij is nieteens op de conferenties geweest, er alleen wat over gelezen (net als jij)

Ik vind het verbazend dat het RD een predikant kiest die zelf niet geweest is om een opinieartikel te schrijven. Dat kan toch nooit een objectief artikel worden?
Ds Stelwagen (Elspeet) was wél aanwezig.

Wat ik ook vreemd vind is dat jij zóveel tijd steekt in het zoeken naar dwalingen binnen de HeartCry, een nieuwe aanvallende Topic opent maar een PB(een week geleden) van mijn kant met een vraag over de HeartCry niet beantwoord.
Berichten: 33452
Lid geworden op: 12 jan 2006, 09:49
Locatie: Breda

Re: Heartcry - Niet arminiaans?

Bericht door Tiberius »

Het is wel grappig om dit topic en dat harteschreeuwtopic nog eens door te lezen.

Eerst wordt ds. De Vries er aan zijn haren bij gesleept door de voorstanders, om hem hun mening te laten buikspreken.
Vervolgens blijkt zijn standpunt toch iets genuanceerder te liggen. Dan wordt er geroepen, dat hij niet in staat is om een objectief artikel te schrijven, omdat hij er niet geweest is.

Het lijkt wel of mensen bewust alle arminiaanse signalen willen negeren. Want de intentie van ds. De Vries is bewogenheid met de mensen die op dat soort happenings misleid worden.
Plaats reactie